Spring Boot CRUD

Step 1: Create the Database in MySQL

First, create the database in MySQL.

  1. Open MySQL Workbench (or any MySQL client).
  2. Run the following SQL commands to create the database and the table:

CREATE DATABASE berojgar_management;

USE berojgar_management;

1st Query=> create database berojgar_management;
2nd Query => USE berojgar_management;
3rd Query => create table berojgar(berojgar_id INT auto_increment primary key,
berojgar_name varchar(255)) ;


Step 2: Create the Spring Boot Project

Java: 17 (or your preferred version)

Go to Spring Initializr:

Visit Spring Initializr.

Configure the Project:

Project: Maven

Language: Java

Spring Boot: Latest stable version

Group: com.example

Artifact: berojgar-management

Name: Berojgar Management

Package name: com.example.berojgarmanagement

Packaging: Jar

Add Dependencies:

  • Spring Web: For building web applications.
  • Spring Data JPA: For interacting with the database.
  • MySQL Driver: To connect to MySQL.
  • Spring Boot DevTools: Optional, for development.

Generate and Download the Project.

Extract the downloaded ZIP file and open it in IntelliJ IDEA.


Step 3: Configure the Application Properties

In src/main/resources/application.properties, configure the MySQL database connection:



Replace your_username and your_password with your MySQL credentials.


Step 4: Create the Entity Class

  1. Create a package named model under src/main/java/com/example/berojgarmanagement.
  2. Create a Java class named Berojgar in the model package:

This is Entity Code

package com.example.berojgar_management.model;

import jakarta.persistence.*;
import lombok.Data;

public class Berojgar {// 1st is create db and table //2nd step entity

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer berojgarId;
private String berojgarName;



Step 5: Create the Repository Interface

  1. Create a package named repository.
  2. Create a Java interface named BerojgarRepository in the repository package:

This is Repository Code:

package com.example.berojgar_management.repository;

import com.example.berojgar_management.model.*;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;

public interface BerojgarRepository extends JpaRepository<Berojgar, Integer> {//3rd step


Step 6: Create the Service Layer

  1. Create a package named service.
  2. Create a Java class named BerojgarService in the service package:

This is Service Code:

package com.example.berojgar_management.service;

import com.example.berojgar_management.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import com.example.berojgar_management.model.Berojgar;
import com.example.berojgar_management.repository.BerojgarRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

public class BerojgarService {

private BerojgarRepository berojgarRepository;

public List<Berojgar> getAllBerojgars() {
return berojgarRepository.findAll();

public Optional<Berojgar> getBerojgarById(int id) {
return berojgarRepository.findById(id);

public Berojgar saveBerojgar(Berojgar berojgar) {
return berojgarRepository.save(berojgar);

public void deleteBerojgar(int id) {


Step 7: Create the Controller Layer

  1. Create a package named controller.
  2. Create a Java class named BerojgarController in the controller package:

This is Controller Code:

package com.example.berojgar_management.controller;

import com.example.berojgar_management.model.Berojgar;
import com.example.berojgar_management.service.BerojgarService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import java.util.List;

public class BerojgarController {

private BerojgarService berojgarService;

public List<Berojgar> getAllBerojgars() {
return berojgarService.getAllBerojgars();

public ResponseEntity<Berojgar> getBerojgarById(@PathVariable int id) {
return berojgarService.getBerojgarById(id)

public Berojgar createBerojgar(@RequestBody Berojgar berojgar) {
return berojgarService.saveBerojgar(berojgar);

public ResponseEntity<Berojgar> updateBerojgar(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody Berojgar berojgarDetails) {
return berojgarService.getBerojgarById(id)
.map(berojgar -> {
Berojgar updatedBerojgar = berojgarService.saveBerojgar(berojgar);
return ResponseEntity.ok(updatedBerojgar);

public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteBerojgar(@PathVariable int id) {
return berojgarService.getBerojgarById(id)
.map(berojgar -> {
return ResponseEntity.ok().<Void>build();


NOTE: All Given Code is working You may get error like import or package name class name so create classes and package as shown in in above image if you are not able to run then comment then we will try to help you

Postman URL’s behalf of our code

POST URL => http://localhost:8081/api/berojgars

select post then select Body then raw then JSON


    “berojgarName“: “Test2 “


then click on send


GET URL => http://localhost:8081/api/berojgars/

then click on send


PUT URL => http://localhost:8081/api/berojgars/10

select PUT then select Body then raw then JSON


    “berojgarName”: “Test2 Update “


then click on send

here 10 is id behalf of id we update the 10th number of record


DELETE URL => http://localhost:8081/api/berojgars/10

here 10 is id behalf of id we delete the 10th number of record


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